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Facebook Stock Adds 10% on Mobile Ad Revenue News

facebook_stockThe stock quotes of the world’s largest social network climbed 10% after the publication of the mobile advertising revenue report which grew by 14 percent in the Q3 2012.

According to the report, in the third quarter of this year, the social network increased its total revenue by 32% up to $ 1.26 billion, topper forecasts of the analysts.

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Facebook Tests Want and Collect Buttons

facebook_wantFacebook is testing a new “Want” and “Collect” buttons for online retailers, that can be used for adding products into wish lists called “Collections”. The new feature will allow Facebook users to see in the news feed items that their friends would like to have.

“Want” and “Collect” buttons are the latest in the series of the social network innovations, that were presented in the last few weeks in an attempt to find new ways to make a profit and attract investors interest.

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Facebook Promoted Posts Tutorial

facebook-promoted-postsIf your Facebook page has at least 400 Likes, then you have a new opportunity for Facebook advertising – Promoted posts.

By clicking on this button at the bottom of the status update widget, you can select your budget for advertising, and then see the percentage of the users who read it.

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Top 25 Creative Facebook Ads Campaigns

facebook_ads_logoSpecialists of the Simply Zesty Agency picked up the most interesting videos of Facebook advertising campaigns. They all have a bright idea and a proved high level of the users engagement.

You’ve probably already heard about some of these campaigns, while others may be new for you. If your company is also interested in increasing the engagement of it’s audience on Facebook – you’ll be, for sure, inspired by these top advertising videos.

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HUGE: Facebook App Center

facebook_app_centerFacebook launches online apps store with games and other applications intended for use in the social network.
Facebook users can access the Facebook App Center through the Internet and Facebook application for iOS and Android. This should help Facebook to monetize its mobile audience. Now it will be hard to say about Google-Apple monopoly in selling mobile apps.

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Facebook Ads Become More Popular

facebook_adsOn comparing first quarters of 2011 and 2012, the average Cost per Thousand(CPM) of ads increased by 41%. In other words, Facebook earns almost half more now. At the same time, the average CPM in the last quarter grew 15% in the U.S. and 13% in the UK.

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Infographic: Best Practice in Facebook Fans Engagement

facebook_fans_engagementNot every post that is placed on the Facebook Brand Page by administrator gets response from subscribers. According to Facebook the average Facebook Post reaches the target audience only in 16% of cases.

Due to the fact that the vast majority of “fans” of a page on Facebook, never return to it after “Liking” it, the VA Simple Services company created infographic to clarify issues related to the work of Facebook, and thus try to help the owners of pages to deliver their content in to the feeds of users.

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New Facebook Search Engine – Google’s Killer?

facebook_search_exampleFormer founder of the ambitious, but failed Google Wave project, Lars Rasmussen, is now a part of Facebook team and working on a new, improved version of the Facebook search engine, which must compete with the Google’s one.

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HUGE: Facebook Pages Timeline

facebook_pages_timelineThe world’s largest social networking site Facebook launched a new type of accounts for the public pages of brands, companies and celebrities. The new tool will allow Facebook Pages to submit information about themselves in a dynamic manner.

Administrators of Facebook Pages now can add a main head image, which is considerably larger then profile photo. In addition, starting from Wednesday, Facebook Pages will be able to place information in the form of timeline, which allows to highlight significant events or hide some of the posts.

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Facebook Mobile Advertising is Coming

facebook_mobileThe social network is planning to run ads for a mobile version of the service before the initial public offering (IPO). This was reported by Financial Times with reference to anonymous sources.
Thus the company is going to get another source of income. Facebook noted in the application for IPO that more than half of the users used service on mobile devices.

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