Facebook Stock Adds 10% on Mobile Ad Revenue News

facebook_stockThe stock quotes of the world’s largest social network climbed 10% after the publication of the mobile advertising revenue report which grew by 14 percent in the Q3 2012.

According to the report, in the third quarter of this year, the social network increased its total revenue by 32% up to $ 1.26 billion, topper forecasts of the analysts.

About 86% of the revenue the company got from the advertising sales, and 14% ($ 150 million) – was from the mobile advertising.

Previously investors expressed strong criticism towards the Facebook top management, particularly, Mark Zuckerberg, for failing to make profit from mobile applications.

Mark Zuckerberg said that mobile was the “most misunderstood aspect” of the social network and ruined the “myth” that Facebook could not earn money on mobile.

At the same time the company reported $ 59 million net profit loss comparing to the positive income of $ 227 million for this period a year ago.

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