"Dating" Tag

Facebook blamed for a 30% of divorces in UK

divorce_facebookAbout 30% of divorce cases in the UK in 2011 had references to the partner’s activity on Facebook. It was reported by PCR with reference to the website Divorce-Online.co.uk, specializing in divorce cases help.

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Don’t Add Your Girlfriend to Your Facebook Friends List!

Please, think properly before you add your girlfriend to the list of your Facebook friends. If you believe that this small step won’t change your life and bring some alteration to it than you are definitely mistaken. This article will show you why. Read more

Just For Fun Facebook Applications

The present article introduces some Facebook play applications that enjoy wide popularity among users of the social networking site. They differ from game apps on Facebook, e.g. Mafia Wars or FarmVille and won’t trench upon your time a lot as the games mentions above usually do because you gradually get addicted to them and loose your time control being busy with them. The play apps described below were created with the purpose to help you to entertain yourself if you have a little spare time. You will enjoy them without doubt. Read more

New Facebook Relationship Status Options

Domestic partnerships and civil unions are included by Facebook into the list of options in the relationship status. However, this function did not become available everywhere but only in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia and France.
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1 Million Facebook Users to Marry

It is generally admitted that the social network Facebook helps people to solve their problems, or at least it can’t be denied that they turn to it full of hopes to find a proper solution for their difficulties.

Swindon mother

An attempt of this kind was made by a resident of Swindon in South West England. Her name is Kelly Coxhead and she is 31and the mother of four children but still not married.

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81% Check up in Google or Facebook before First Date

Curiosity is one of typical human traits. And it becomes stronger when you meet someone who you intend to turn into your future lover. Google and Facebook come here to the rescue. According to an unofficial survey four people out of five look through profiles on Facebook in order to find out more about the person they are interested in.
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Pickup Tips For Facebook Dating

All of us dream about true love, at least subconsciously and hope to find his real lover, his half. But the charm of one night relationships does not lessen on the back of it. That is why Facebook considers a possibility to organize such meaningful one night stands.

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Lack of Facebook Bi- and Same-sex Dating Applications

Not everybody likes dating applications on Facebook. This is significantly connected with the presence of different sexual orientations.

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