Not everybody likes dating applications on Facebook. This is significantly connected with the presence of different sexual orientations.
Gay and bisexual men prefer Grindr which is much sought after. Nonhetero men use mobile phone service Grindr in order to find their partners. They are obsessed with the application as it helps them to take part in fabulous adventures. Those who do not command services of Grindr seem to be in monogamous relationships.
Grindr seems to be the most popular application among gays but it is not the only one. Some others are available on such websites like and the PlanetOut network.
My closest friends are nonheterosexual and they also use a lot of dating applications, but those of Facebook are not in their list.
This concerns lesbians and bisexual women as well. As a matter of fact Sapphic set is not active at on and off Facebook dating applications because it sometimes occurs that straight guys are behind lesbian personality. This happens as fake profiles are often made on social network and then go into social dating applications. That is why Facebook needs more security to be more attractive to users.
One of the other famous social dating applications is called Are You Interested. There are a lot of profiles of nonheterosexual females there but it seems as lesbians tried it only once and were not interested in it later.
The next dating app which looks like a popular one is called Zooks. But bisexual relationships are prevented there as users are allowed to express attraction through it only to one gender at a time.
We live in a world where personal freedom is with a stated value that is why dating applications for all sexual orientations should be present on the social network and this leads to the idea that developers of Facebook are expected to create same-sex dating application.
There is a lack of apps focused on lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered dates. Their appearance will increase the number of social network members.
But it is important to take into consideration the necessity to improve security of data. Dating apps should have greater privacy than current Facebook applications.