"Study" Tag

STUDY: Facebook Mobile Users Stats

facebook_smartphoneHow often do you check your Facebook updates via phone? A new study by IDC company shows that average Facebook Mobile users check their updates about 14 times a day.

The company analyzed data from 7446 iPhone and Android users in the US from 18 to 44 years old.

Depending on your own Facebook activity, the results presented in the report of the IDC may surprise you or just prove what you already know.

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NEW: Groups for Schools on Facebook

groups_for_schools_facebookThe world’s largest social network Facebook announced private Groups for Schools. Only users with the valid email address of the particular college or university will be able to join them, according to the corporate blog of Facebook.

To join the main group of the college or university, you need to go to the Groups for Schools service page, use the Facebook Groups Search box to find the right school, and then leave a valid email address, which was provided by school.

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Facebook Apps Help to Study Online

A large number of Facebook users consists of students. They play Facebook games, chat with their friends or just browse the network. But they not only have an opportunity to waste their time in Internet but to learn something new. In spite of the fact that the overall majority of students visit schools, colleges, and universities in order to get an education the number of people preferring to study via online means is increasing day by day. Educational portals avoid the main disadvantages of traditional education that cost a lot and includes inconvenient schedule. Read more