"Children" Tag

5 Rules for Parents on Facebook

parents_facebookThe life of parents used to be much easier before the social networks appeared. The virtual world has its own rules that should be explained by parents to the children. Moreover – and this is equally important – parents themselves should follow a set of rules on how to behave in social networks.

So, what should parents avoid when it comes to the Internet in general and social networks in particular?

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Statistics: 38% of Children on Facebook are Under 12

children_facebookAccording to the new research, Facebook’s restriction for registration of users under 13 years old, does not stop little children from doing it.

Previously we had an overview of the Popular Tools for Monitoring Your Children on Facebook. Now MinorMonitor, a tool for parents for monitoring activity of their children on Facebook, reports that in a poll of 1000 parents about how their kids use Facebook, appears that 38% of children under 12 years old are on Facebook. Among 1000 children, according to their parents, 40 were under the age of six.

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Australia can close Facebook for Teenagers

facebook-age-restrictionAustralia may increase age limits for signing up to Facebook. If a positive decision on this matter is accepted, then sign up to Facebook in Australia can only begin at the age of 18.

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Popular Tools for Monitoring Your Children on Facebook

The discussions about the use of the social networking site by children appeared a long time ago and go on to remain one of the most important problems of today. The debates led even to enactment of age restrictions for Facebook users. Only children reached 13 years are allowed to register on the site.

But even if the child is old enough to be a Facebook account holder his/her parents are usually concerned about their child’s activities on the net. And this concern seems to be reasonable because the social networking site is full of data of different content.

That is why parents are advised to take control of the child’s actions on the site; and the following products were created exactly for the purpose to help parents to do it.
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Will Obama’s Daughters be on Facebook?

obama_daughtersWhile being interviewed on the “Today” show Michelle Obama, the USA’s first lady frankly admitted that she prohibits her children to use Facebook. This restriction of using the social network stirred up the discussion about the rightness of such a limitation.

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