Application developers are now provided with a new tool by the social networking site. They are now empowered to batch requests whence it follows that they are allowed to access the Graph API more efficiently. The number of requests possible to be batched comes up to 20. Developers can also batch multiple HTTP methods and FQL queries, and are enabled to order operations to specify connections involved.
Thanks to this ability developers are expected to increase the rate of apps’ building and their efficiency. Such applications will be able to access a lot of information without putting much server strain on Facebook.
Graph API requests were formerly sent singly, one by one. However, the new feature allows batching of the requests into a single HTTP request that is undoubtedly much more convenient.
Reference of the outcomes of preceding operations in a batch can be performed through JSONPath expressions.
The improvements in batch requests enhance the standing of the social networking site with the Platform community in comparison with the previous internally use of progressive coding techniques.