"Social Searcher Updates" Category

Social Searcher: Now with Social Monitoring


We are glad to introduce premium Social Monitoring features, requested by lots of our users who are using Social Searcher on a daily basis.

New functionality is smoothly integrated into the existing interface and should be pretty helpful not only for the experienced marketers/entrepreneurs, but for the newcomer social media researchers and small business owners as well:

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Major Update: Social Searcher – Free Social Media Search Engine

social_searcher_home03 Dec 2013 Social Searcher rolled out a major update for the service. The site was redesigned in a handy metro style and provided new real-time search features for the users.

First enhancement is a possibility to save advanced search options like multiple keywords or filtering into the user’s account for a quick access in the future. Also users can set up Email Alerts for the saved searches to be notified when new search results appear.

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