According to AppData analysts, the number of daily active users of Facebook application for Android exceeded the iPhone one. Nevertheless, Facebook application for iPhone still has more monthly active users.
As follows from the AppData service data analysis, the number of daily active users of Facebook application for Android OS on December 17 was about 58.3 millions, which beated for the first time a similar application for the iPhone, it had 57.4 million daily active users. Moreover, according to Nielsen research company, Facebook is the most popular application among users of Android based devices at the age of 18 and older. Growth is also impressive. From 10 to December 17, the number of daily active users of Facebook for Android increased by 1.4 million, the equivalent number for iPhone App – 600 thousands of users.
According to AppData, the number of monthly active users of Facebook application for Android is 85.4 millions. For iPhone it’s 99.1 millions.
The growth of the active use of the application for Android is partly because of recent update of Facebook application for Android. iPhone App was updated a bit earlier.