The social networks War between Facebook and Google Plus has reached next level. The administration of Facebook has already blocked special Chrome extension for exporting contact data of Facebook friends to Google Plus, and now Facebook banned ads related to Google Plus.
Programmer Michael Lee Johnson decided to increase its presence in the Google +, probably because of professional considerations. He created and posted an ad on Facebook. The headline was straightforward: “Add Michael to Google +». The text read: “If you’re lucky enough to have an account on Google +, add the Michael Lee Johnson, an Internet geek, software developer and technical virtuoso.”
What was the reaction of Facebook? The administration didn’t not simply ban the ad, but went much further – removed all other relative ads and deactivated Johnson’s account, accusing him in violation of the rules of advertising. Which exactly rule he violated was not specified. Perhaps it is this paragraph: “We can refuse any ad at any time for any reason, including those that advertise competing products or services, or adversely affect our business or our relationship with users.”